“Wandering re-establishes the original harmony, which once existed between man and the universe.” ~ Anotole France
My trip to Old Spanish Bridge White River in Labyrinth St Mary was epic. So much to share but first, view these 21 stunning pictures that might enchant and motivate you to explore this breathtaking place. Enjoy!
Old Spanish Bridge White River is to some extent undiscovered by many. It's one of Jamaica's best kept secrets that cracked my eyes wide open with it's beauty.
My partner in crime. Never a dull moment with her. Love her endlessly.
I was in awe the entire trip. I kept asking myself, can this be real?
Only three persons were at the river. I yearn for adventures like these.
My heart vanished to it's magical turquoise beauty. It trickled and dribbled as it turned sharply through the tress. It skipped over the rocks happily. I was told that rivers are the arteries of the forest and this one was glowing like glitters.
I am honored to to explore this hidden gem and to share my experience with you all.
I can't begin to explain the amount of fun I had. I fell head over heels in love instantly.
Travelling to Ols Spanish Bridge is one of my best-loved adventures. A trip to Old Spanish Bridge is perfect for you if you come to Jamaica searching for an adventure.
Continue scrolling for more picture form this adventure. I took a lot!
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Whatta Gwaan!
You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.