“When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.” – Susan Heller
The first time I heard about Copper Hole was from Bucketlistja. I instantly added it to my list of places to visit in Saint Thomas.
Roundabout in Morant Bay
It wasn't until a local newspaper called the Jamaica Star documented the myth surrounded Copper Hole.
After watching the documentary, I was captivated by the stories of mermaids and the crystal clear water.
Welcome to Georgia Sign.
I started searching for directions to Georgia. I could find the exact location, not even on the map.
Large cow field
I decided to search for this mysterious gem in Saint Thomas even if it's the last thing I did for 2020.
Mrs. Brown
I went to Downtown Kingston and took a Morant Bay coaster bus located across from Saint William's Grant Park that cost JMD 250.00
Path to Copper Hole
I would continue right at the roundabout in Morant Bay if my trip via private transportation. There are signs such as a Reggae Fall that's also in that direction.
We passed this sign . We were five minutes away from Copper Hole at this point.
The bus drove to the bus park that was on the right beside a Chinese Wholesale.
The dirt track to Copper Hole
The tax office and a farm store are on the said property the taxis to downtown Kingston, Seafort, Trinityville, Fonthill and Georgia and other communities in Morant Bay are parked.
A taxi driver asked where I was heading. I told him Georgia. He was going to Fonthill.
Arriving at Copper Hole
He wanted me to charter his taxi. I was in no hurry. He told me that only two taxis go to Georgia. Hence, I had to wait for a long a while.
I waited for three hours before I met Mr. Brown's wife. He was one of the men that was interviewed by the Jamaica Star, a popular newspaper.
She asked me to call Zeeks on his phone because the other taxi operator was in the garage.
She saw her neighbor's in a Font Hill taxi. She didn't want the taxi driver to get mad at her. She secretly told him to get out. Zeeks was on his way.
I was terrified while I hide behind her. I didn't want any arguments.
She was my initial guide to Copper Hole. I wasn't going to leave her side. He came out of the taxi and waited for Zeeks.
Mrs. Brown and I talked about the myth surrounding Copper Hole and how beautiful it was when she was younger before Zeeks came.
Zeeks arrived. Zeeks was waiting for another Georgia member that came ten minutes later.
We continued the conversation about Copper Hole. Everyone in the taxi voice their beliefs on Copper Hole.
Zeeks wasn't a believer in the mermaid myth. I told him everyone has a right to believe whatever they want.
It becomes a problem when those beliefs are forced upon you when you already have a belief system.
We passed the communities of York, Seafort, Serge, Danvers Pen, Coley, Front Hill into Georgia. A sign will be present stating welcome to Georgia.
The journey to Georgia was rough because the roads were under construction and full of potholes.
Zeeks drove very carefully. But it took up most of the time that I would have had to enjoy Copper Hole.
A cow was on the road and would not move for anything. Zeeks had to drive around this stubborn cow.
Mrs.Brown asked Zane to be my tour guide. He gladly accepted. He's a rasta farmer who also picks ackee and other crops for members of the district.
We came to our final stop. I informed Zeeks I will give him a call when I was ready to leave Georgia.
Zane, Mrs.Brown, and I continued on a graveled track passing a large cow field and lots of Ackee trees until we got to Mrs. Brown's home.
Zane and I continued to walk until we reach a narrow dirt track to the most crystal clear water I've ever seen. It was love at first glance.
Kwame Fall and Spanish Bridge that I've been that could try to complete with Copper Hole's beauty.
I was stunned. I could see every stone in the prettiest water my eyes had ever seen. I was shocked St.Thomas had such a treasure.
I wasn't planning on getting in the water. I had to after seeing how gorgeous the water was.
Zane was all smiles. He was happy because I loved Copper Hole. I didn't make the stories of the mermaid stopped me from exploring Georgia.
After taking pictures, Zane showed me another section of Copper Hole.
We went back up the track and a turn right. I was stunned again.
It was like I had my private pool in nature.
I had the sexiest water for myself. Whenever there's heavy rainfall, it will create a waterfall.
When Zane and I got to Mrs. Brown's home, I told her how great it was. I will be returning to the Georgia District.
She told me to talk about Zane, Zeeks, and herself on Radio Jamaica. I told her I want a journalist.
I am exploring my country because I am in love with its beauty and history. I want to know everything about my island Jamaica.
Mrs.Brown and I said our goodbyes then I called Zeeks. The timing was perfect because he was heading to Morant Bay.
While walking to meet Zeek, I asked Zane picked some Guavas for me. I've become obsessed with this fruit.
Zane. Top tour guide in Georgia district. Cell number 876-412-0952
Zane was the perfect tour guide. I'm always lucky to find very professional guys to assist me on my trips. Two learned how to operate my phone in less than five minutes.
Waiting for three hours was worth it. My travels didn't end in St.Thomas. I went to Manchester to explore Beat Back Waterfall that my sister has been telling me about for the longest while.
To be continued……….
The other section of Copper Hole
my private pool in nature
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Whatta Gwaan!
You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.