“Escape and breathe the air of new places”
I don't recommend anyone entering a community that they don't belong. Please inform someone that is a member or know someone who is a member. It can be dangerous.
Searching for hidden waterfalls, I found one in the Parish of Saint Mary.
I found a YouTube video by Sasha Antonia. I fell in love with this hidden treasure instantly.
Robert Schuman Roundabout
The video did not contain specific directions to Falling. Hence, I send Sasha a direct message on Instagram.
Sasha responded. I have so much respect for her. 99.999% of the time asking for the location to destination, I get no response.
Sasha indicated Falling was on the border of Portland and Saint Mary.
I will pass a pump house on my way to Falling. It will take about twenty minutes.
I am so in love with my home Jamaica
Sasha said I should ask someone from the community for more directions to the fall.
Chrisposumma fling my tour guide.He's also a content creator.
I decided to do what I've always done. Go searching for a waterfall by asking the taxi, bus, van, bike or bicycle driver /rider, passengers on my mode of transportation and members of the community with the information I have gathered.
I took an Annotto Bay Taxi in Half Way Tree. The taxi was parked on the Burger King property that was adjacent to the transport centre.
A passenger was already in the car. I started asking her about Falling. I showed her Sasha Antonia's video. She was unaware of a waterfall in Dover.
Chris my tour guide
She said I should ask the driver. He was from the Dover Community.
I showed him the video. He asked if I'm sure if the waterfall was in Dover.
After entering the narrow road, continue straight until you see a gate. Enter and continue up the stairs. Turn right after you finish climbing the stairs and continue walking until you hear the music of the Falling.
The driver of the taxi stated Falling doesn't exist in Dover.
I ended my questioning about Falling. I waited for him patiently to venture to Saint Mary.
I've been traveling solo for over four years. I've learned that persons from some of these communities that I have visited don't know they have a gem in their backyard.
Entrance to Falling
When we got to Robert Schuman Roundabout, he asked if I was meeting someone at Dover. I replied yes to avoid a conversation.
Jane looking for Tarzan….. lol. This is actually the path back to civilization. I went to see the waterfall up close.
The taxi fare from Half Way Tree to Annotto Bay was JMD 500.00.
In my happy place
I stopped in Annotto Bay was on Guptar LN road based on google.
I've taken this route many times to Strawberry Fields Together, Tacky Fall, Kwame Fall, Somerset Fall, Nanny Fall, Spring Hill Fall, Fish Dunn, Scattered Fall, Chepstow, Rio Grande Rafting, Balcarres Fall, etc.
One of my many signature pose.
I took another taxi heading to Buff Bay in Portland that cost JMD 100.00
An elderly lady was already in the front seat. I asked her about Falling in Dover and told her everything Sasha Antonia told me.
She knew where Falling was without seeing the video of it.
I showed her the video to confirmed it was Falling.
I took a lot of face photos. I think I was feeling myself…lol
Big sexy nose Dora….lol
She told the driver I needed a stop at the Welcome to Saint Mary sign. It is on the border of Saint Mary and Portland.
She was very protective of me.
She said I should get a female to accompany me to Falling. Little did she knew that 99.99% of my tour guides were males.
I don't let the fear of exploring my island. Jamaica is not the only place violence exists.
I am very aware of my surrounding. My instincts and I are best friends.
I know my limits when I am searching for locations that others refuse to share.
She told me about her experiences at Falling. Her stories sounded exciting and fun. She said the pump house is own by the National Water Commission.
It no longer supplies water to the Dover Community.
Nothing feels better than this Khalid Voice
Her water supply is terrible. Sometimes no water is in the pipes. My final stop was in front of a narrow road on the right.
The welcome to Saint Mary sign was very much present. I crossed the road and continued on the narrow road.
I started looking around for someone to accompany me to Falling.
I saw a rastaman. His face wasn't pleasant. Hence, I continued walking.
I stopped at a home where I saw a lady sweeping h her yard.
I told her I wanted to visit Falling. I asked her if she knew anyone who would accompany me. She said they were still sleeping. I found it weird because plenty of young men were playing football on the left side of the road where the taxi stopped.
I asked her if I could ask the rastaman I saw for assistance. She said yes. I went searching for him. But he was long gone.
I went back to the entrance of the narrow road. I approach a bar on the right of the narrow road.
I told the guy sitting at the entrance of the bar. I told him I wanted to visit Falling. I asked him if he knew anyone that would accompany me. He said no. An elderly man made his way on the narrow road. The guy asked him if he was going to Falling. He said no.
I told the guy sitting at the entrance of the bar. I told him I wanted to visit Falling. I asked him if he knew anyone that would accompany me. He said no. An elderly man made his way on the narrow road. The guy asked him if he was going to Falling. He said no.
A young man passed a few seconds while we were talking. He was stopped and asked if he could follow me to Falling.
He said he was busy. He asked one of the guys playing football to accompany me.
The young man he called said he unable to accompany me to Falling. Another guy approached. He heard the conversation and agreed to be my tour guide.
I told Chris about my blog and how passionate I was about exploring our home Jamaica and sharing these locations with fellow Jamaicans and the rest of the world.
We also talked about Falling and its many names. It's also called Deep Hole and Blue Hole. We talked about the pump house and the water that is not being routed to the surrounding communities.
Tying to take a photo of me walking. Continue scrolling to see what happen next.
The community has many springs. But the surrounding communities don't have a sufficient supply of water.
I fell and bruise my leg. I didn’t feel the pin until i came out of the water.
When we got to Falling, the water was the perfect blue. The surrounding was untouched. That's how I like my locations.
Laughing after I fell. Weird right?
We climbed down a path filled with small trees and grass. Chris proceeded then assisted me to the spot where we were going to have our photo-shoot.
The water was cold but felt great. Three guys followed us to Falling. They waited for us to finish taking photos. They put on a show where they dived into the perfect blue water in style.
I wish I didn't have a fear of heights. I would dive into the gorgeous water having the time of my life.
My cost to Dover in Saint Mary was a success. Chris was exceptional. You can contact him at 876-346-0357 if you wish to visit Falling in Saint Mary.
Leaving the waterfall with many names.
Safe travels. I hope you have a blast when you visit Falling. Tell me about your experience in the comments below. I'll be waiting. See you on my next adventure.
Is Falling in Dover Saint Mary a location you would visit? Spill?
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Whatta Gwaan!
You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.