“Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.” -Alan Keightley
I've always wanted to visit Great Resort. Its rustic setting is what I lived for.
I became obsessed with exploring hidden gems and fell in love with waterfalls.
Great Huts faded from my thoughts until I visited Boston Beach. I looked across the ocean and remembered why I fell in love with it.
At this point, Great Huts was a part of my thoughts.
Portland was my second home. I thought hard about moving to Paradise.
I am waiting on that day to pack my bags and head to the parish that has my heart.
I have been to so many places in Portland. Yet, Great Huts was still not explored by yours truly.
I am a waterfall kinda girl. Great Huts was the only resort I was interested in because of the natural surroundings.
Day passes didn't come to mind.
My visit to Raf Jam changed all that.
I booked a day pass to explore a hidden waterfall.
I decided to call Great Huts and asked if they had day passes available. They did for JMD 1,500.00 from 10:AM to 5:00 PM.
I was so happy. I couldn't wait for the weekend to arrive.
My first trip to Great Hut was perfect.
I was in awe. Nature was untouched
I was in resort heaven.
Every corner I turned, I saw a photo op moment.
I took so many photos. I ran out of storage space.
I remember being at Boston Beach, across at Great Huts wishing I was on the property.
Visiting Frenchman's Cove, Reach Fall, San San, Winifred, and refuse to see the number one resort on my list.
I guess it wasn't the time for my visit.
Years later, Great Huts was my playground.
I will be returning for sure.
It will be more than a day pass… lol
Continue scrolling to view the beauty of the property.
Thank me in the comment section below.
Have you been to Great Huts Resort? A day pass or overnight? Was your experience as good as minds?
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You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.