The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.
I've been to places like Frenchman Cove, Comfort Castle and Millbank but after always seeing a short clip of this magical waterfall, I had to see if it was real.
Waterfalls are well-kept secrets here in Jamaica so I didn’t ask for directions from the person who posted the clip of the waterfall.
I started searching the internet like a person obsessed with this hidden beauty. I saw a few videos that were uploaded a few years ago on YouTube but no details of the location.
All I had was a picture and where it was located. So I venture to Spring Hill in Portland to find this gem that I was crazy in love about.
My journey Spring Hill took me to Half Way Tree where I took a taxi to Annotto Bay located across from Nouth Odeon Avenue that cost JMD 500.00
Taking the Portland Coaster bus would have taken up a lot of my time which I didn't have because I didn't know where this gem was located and I need the extra time to ask around about the fall.
Also, I would have to wait for the bus to be packed with passengers. The car only needs five passengers and travels faster. But it would have been cheaper since the fare on the bus is JMD 250.00
When I got to Annotto Bay, I took a taxi to Buff Bay costing JMD 150.00. This drive crossed the Buff Bay River to the Texaco Gas Station which was the final stop.
I then asked the driver where the Spring Hill Taxis are located, he said on Nelson Street which was across from the gas station. You will see the Buff Bay Methodist Church across from the gas station as well.
I asked a fruit vendor where the Spring Hill taxis are parked. She pointed to a driver who also lived in the community which was a plus. I told me I was looking for a waterfall and showed him a picture.
He said its Cascade Waterfalls. Luckily, I have visited Cascade and Fish Dunn Waterfalls years ago. I told him it wasn’t Cascade Waterfalls. He said he had no idea of the waterfall. I took the taxi to Spring Hill and told him I will ask around.
When I got to Spring Hill, I started asking about the waterfall. I was introduced to a farmer who said he was the one who found the waterfall looking for easier routes to and from his farm.
I ask him if he had a few minutes to spare to give me a tour of this hidden gem that I was so crazy in love with. I told him I would compensate him for his time and he gladly accepted my offer.
I know most of the visitors to my website share the same passion like I do to find hidden gems on their own, with friends or with family members because it cost less than going with a tour company or booking a hotel. Others just want a different kind of adventure.
This waterfall is located on private properties. I urge you not to venture on an adventure like this or any adventure that requires a tour guide or the permission of the owner(s) alone. It's dangerous and it might also cost you your life or a lawsuit.
With that being said, we continued onto the Blue Baron Coffee Estate into the Jungle. I called it the jungle because there isn't a clear path to the waterfall. We had to walk through uncut bushes, bamboo trees growing wild and spider webs in the path. This is the definition of untouched nature.
When we got to the waterfall, I was stunned. I thought I've seen all the magical waterfalls in Portland but this one touched my very soul. I went to waterfalls heaven instantly.
I was so eager to meet this gem that I didn't even question the history behind this waterfall. I'm leaving the history part for my reader. When you visit, tell me about what you found out about this gem in Spring Hill Portland in the comments below.
My tour guide told me to call him Farmer Ras. You can contact him at 876-845-4512.
My friend journeywithshauna gave me a brilliant idea. We were talking about how I document my journey to and from this waterfall and other destinations I've visited. So I've decided to share this info with my readers.
Below is my little notebook. I write to keep me company and not to miss a single detail of my trip.
Heading home from Spring Hill Waterfall. Well, that's the name I gave it. I heard an elderly lady talking about "BROGAD", the name given to the Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness. Her conversation with the driver of the coaster bus that I took from Annotto Bay to Kingston had me smiling. She said, "Andrew body sexy ". I wanted to laugh so loud but I couldn't. I didn't want to enter the conversation. I just turned my head to the window and smile my face off.
The "loda man" The guy who assist the conductor in getting passengers on the bus, got into an argument with the driver about the fee he was paid to get the passengers on the bus.
I watched closely in case I had to jump through the bus window. The fight didn't happen and the driver drove to Kingston a bit upset. The passengers told him that the guy was wrong but I think he was more embarrassed with how the guy was speaking to him, belittling his character.
Continue scrolling for more pictures. Until my next post, escape and breath the air on a adventure.
Would you visit Spring Hill Waterfall?
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You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.