“I am catastrophically in love with you.”- Breadnut Valley Waterfalls
The road that leads to a beautiful destination.
As soon as I laid eyes on a photo of Breadnut Falls a year ago, I was smitten.
The property owners told me they only do group trips when I contacted them.
The owner agreed to the tour after I pleaded with her and informed her that there were two of us.
There was no one else on the property when we got there. It took our tour guide about ten minutes to find us after we arrived.
Something has come up, she reasons, and she can't continue with the tour.
For a few minutes, we hung out by the river to take pictures because we had no idea the three cascades were so close.
Jump ahead to the year 2022. A taxi took me to Maggotty Hydroelectric Station in Santa Cruz after I visited Sweet River in Savanlamar.
You can't possibly miss this turn because of the enormous sign. I ended my journey at the Maggotty Hydroelectric Station.
A gate opens up to the right and I go through it onto a dirt path. Just a few minutes later, I found myself in a vast area.
Due to the heavy rainfall to the west of the island, the water was a murky brown, and the event was canceled.
I informed the domino players that I would like to take a trip to the waterfall, but upon arrival I noticed that the water was murky and decided against it.
I insisted to see waterfalls, and one of the men obliged. The brown water washed over the rocks, but I could make out the beauty beyond it.
Those many years ago, I still can't believe I was that close to the waterfall.
I made a note of his number and planned to contact him to find out the best time to pay a visit.
Many times I tried to reach him to arrange a visit to Breadnut Valley Waterfalls, but the timing was always off.
I had no problem waiting a few more days; after all, I had already waited for years. Today is December 31, 2023.
After reiterating my request, I was given permission to go to the waterfall. Because of the Maroon Festival in Accompong Town, my tour guide was required to work there.
With that, Bobo and I set out for Breadnut Valley on our first adventure of 2023.
We left Kingston and took Mandela Highway and Highway 2000 through St. Catherine and Clarendon parishes.
After exiting Highway 2000, we followed the main road through Clarendon, Manchester, and St. Elizabeth, passing such landmarks as St. Elizabeth Technical High School (S.T.E.T.H.S.) and the Jamaica Zoo exit at Lacovia.
We watched for the Texaco station on the right, which would mark the next turnoff. In the distance, a sign for the Maggotty JPS Hydroelectric Station could be seen. We took a right turn toward the station and walked along a dirt path until we came to a wide, open area. We were free to wander around, so we visited the three waterfalls.
After a short stroll, we came upon the first of many enchanted waterfalls. Upon first glance, I knew he was the one for me.
Before we moved on to the second cascade, we took some truly spectacular photographs.
There was no way for us to reach the bottom of the second waterfall, so we snapped some photos from the top and moved on to the third. It only took us a few minutes to decide to leave. Although each of the three waterfalls we saw was beautiful, my personal favourite was the first one we saw.
To put it simply, it felt surreal.It's as if the whole cosmos conspired to put us in each other's paths at that precise instant.
The waterfall in Breadnut Valley has enchanted me. It is in my nature to seek out new experiences. That will never, ever happen. At the conclusion of each of my journeys, I am treated to a breathtaking waterfall.The Breadnut Valley waterfall is like a love song to me, and I can't help but love it. For what seemed like ages, I waited for your arrival.
Whatta Gwaan!
You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.