“Run towards adventure and not away from it!”
Marston Spring Portland Jamaica
Simone, my waterfall Angel, told me about a hidden gem called Marston Spring and falls in a picture-postcard community called Woodberry.
Marston Spring and falls is located South East of Buff Bay in Portland in the silhouette of the majestic Blue Mountain Range.
I planned the date instantly to venture to West Portland. I took an Annotto Bay coaster bus, located beside the transport center in Half Way Tree on South Odeon Avenue across Burger King.
Saint Mary and Portland Bus Park.
Arrow on the right leads to Fish Dunn, Spring Hill, Casscade and Balcarres Waterfalls
The bus traveled on Constant Spring Road, Old Stony Hill Road, Stony Hill, and Golden Spring, passing the Brandon Hill Community onto the winding Junction Road.
We passed Castleton, Ugly River, and the Westmoreland Bridge into Annotto Bay.
The drive was around one hour and fifteen minutes for JMD 250.00 per person.
I then took a taxi from Anotto Bay to Buff Bay. I asked the driver if he knew a community called Woodberry. He was trying to convince me that no such place existed.
Love seeing these old structure churches
I told him I wanted a stop where I would get the taxi to the community of Bybrook.
Driving to Buff Bay, I passed the entrance to Falling in Dover Saint Mary. The driver gave me a stop at Shopper’s Pride Food Store on 29 Lynch Avenue Buff Bay.
I remember this spot very well when I visited Big Dunn Falls in Chepstow. I took this said route to visit Spring Hill Waterfall. I asked the vendor who was selling vegetables if this spot is where the Bybrook taxis are parked.
He said yes. I waited about ten minutes before a taxi arrived. I asked the driver if he knew a community called Woodberry. He said no.
A passenger that was already in the taxi said once I got to Bybrook, I should ask a member of the community the directions to Woodberry.
We continue onto the Buff Bay main road. The taxi then turns at the Spring Garden Agro-Park sign onto Spring Garden Main Road. We continued into a community called Skibo. Then unto Churchill corner to Moore Park Road where the taxi continued onto a yellow bridge into the Bybrook community.
Across the yellow bridge was my final stop because public transportation does not operate in this area. I paid the driver JMD150.00.
Where the taxi stop and asked for the directions to Woodberry.
I asked an elderly man I saw doing laundry in the river which direction leads to Woodberry. He said; continue right. He stated the journey was long. The taxi driver indicated he would carry me to Woodberry at extra cost.
I accepted his offer. We continued onto a dirt track for most of the journey. It took us around ten minutes. We passed the combined forces of the Mabess and Spanish River.
The driver charged JMD1, 000.00. If I knew the journey was this short, I would have walked. The taxi driver was helpful, and the road wasn’t in the best condition. Hence, I had no issue paying him. He was just a bit expensive.
We stopped at the first house we saw and asked the lady about Marston Spring and Falls. She said we were in the right direction. She indicated we had to hike the rest of the journey. I asked her if she could assist. Sadly, she was alone with her kids.
I asked if there were other houses in the area. She indicated two more houses and a church. I told the taxi driver thanks for his services and continued my journey by foot; praying to see someone to carry me to Marston Spring.
I got to the church and saw no one. Minutes later, I saw a man pushing a lady in a wheelchair. He was carrying her to the church.
I told him I wanted someone to accompany me to Marston Spring and fall.
He stopped at the last house before the church and called Dario.
Dario accepted my offer to accompany me to the waterfall costing JMD1,500.00.
The journey to Marston Spring was around fifteen minutes. We passed two cows, crossed rivers, and climbed a dirt hill with my hands.
I saw a lot of swimming holes and huge stones. Finally, I climbed a huge rock to see Woodberry’s best-kept secret, Marston Spring and Falls.
The dirt hill we climbed. I had to use my hands to get over the hill.
I was so excited, happy, in love, and proud to be a Jamaican. I was in paradise. I was in the most untouched part of Jamaica. I loved every second of it.
Hiking to Marston Spring and Falls
My note 8 did the best to capture the majestic Marston Spring. These pictures cannot do this gem any justice.
I fell in love all over again. Marston Spring took my breath away.
I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust.
Crossing the big river to visit Marston for the first time.
Every time I think Saint Thomas, Portland, Clarendon, or Saint Mary slowly taking my love away; Portland just surprises me with the most romantic hidden spot; indicating it should always be number one in my heart.
Kwame, Tacky, and Johnny Waterfalls in Saint Mary will be pretty upset when they find out about my new lover in Portland called Marston.
I took as many pictures as possible. I wanted to imprint Marston on my soul. When I am an old lady and can’t remember anything; I will remember this, the first time my eyes beheld the majestic Marston Spring and falls.
Thought this was a sexy spot. hence, I stopped to play in the water and take a few pictures
I wanted to explore Marston Spring, not for minutes but hours and days to learn all its secrets. I crave sexy waterfalls like Marston Spring.
I can't imagine what it would be like not chasing waterfalls.
I viewed the second cascade before heading to Marston.
I took so many photos; my phone ran out of space. I spent an hour at the top of the fall then venture to the second cascade.
Climbing the huge rock to Marston Spring
Continue scrolling to see the beauty of Marston Spring and falls. You will thank me later.
Have you been to Marston Spring and falls? If yes, I would love to hear about your experience. If, no, would you hike a sliding hill, cross a big river, and climb a huge rock to see the majestic Marston Spring? Let me know in the comments below.
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Whatta Gwaan!
You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.