For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it. —Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Hey Karen, Ah one trip mi wah yuh come pon enuh mi fren.
East would Park Road. The taxis are park where the white car is exiting.
This blog post is dedicated to Karen who has been promising to take a trip with me via taxi, coaster bus, minivan, and bike on an adventure. But Karen has been ghosting.Hence, I am calling her out.
The center of Highgate. The arrow points to where I took the Palmetto Grove taxi.
My first visit to Johnny Fall was not a complete failure. I made the best of the trip by taking amazing photos. St, Mary was experiencing drought; hence the waterfall was dried up.
Tacky Fall was trickling when I first visited. Luckily, Kwame was sexier than ever.
My final stop was at this yellow sign. It also reads Welcome to Palmetto Grove on the opposite side.
I would be super upset if Kwame Fall was dried up because the journey to Kwame Fall was about an hour and a half long. No one wants to travel so far see a dried-up falls
I make it look easy. Entrance to Johnny Fall.
I was seeing a lot of visits to Johnny Fall on Instagram. I decided to message Grove_Swimmers.
The bard wired i went under to visit Johnny Fall.
This page was managing tours to Johnny Fall. I contacted them to check on the state of Johnny Fall.
I never wanted to return to a dried-up waterfall. Grove_Swimmers indicated that Johnny Fall was in its most perfect state.
I decided that Johnny and I would go on a date after my nine-to-five job.
Grove_Swimmers sent the directions to Palmetto Grove which made life much easier.
Flight of stairs to Johnny Fall
I rushed to Half Way Tree. I took a Highgate taxi located on East Wood Park Road adjacent to North Odeon Avenue that cost JMD 500.00.
I could have taken a St. Mary coaster bus located on North Odeon Avenue but time was against me.
You cannot tell me this is not a handsome Waterfall.
I was so pleased with the state of Johnny Fall. I was feeling all kinds of happy.
These taxi drivers are the worse drivers in Jamaica. The Junction is a winding road. The drivers are reckless and always in a rush
I remember venturing to Stewart Mountain in St. Mary. The young boy that was beside me started to vomit because of the constant turning of the car and how fast he was driving.
This was everything amazing.
My final stop was in the square of Highgate. A clock is located in the center of the town.
I was socking up all the goodness. My kind of therapy.
I then took a Palmetto Grove taxi. I informed the driver I wanted a stop at the yellow sign that marks Welcome to Palmetto Grove.
Girl jus happy suh
I enjoyed the drive to Palmetto Grove because the breeze was kissing my cheeks repeatedly.
When I got to the yellow sign one of the members of Grove Swimmers was waiting for my arrival.
It was minutes after 5:00 PM. Hence, I was worried about how the pictures would turn out because my Note 8 doesn’t take pictures great in the dark.
Relaxing in nature.
We introduced ourselves and proceeded to the entrance of Johnny Fall We had to climb under a barbed wire.
I then trailed down a flight of stairs taking in every inch of my surrounding which was covered in greenery.
Seeing beauty like this, make me forever obsess with waterfalls.
I was in a race with the sun. I started to take as many pictures as fast as possible.
I must say, everything was perfect. From the tour guide, the lighting from the sun, the mint green water, I had the perfect date.
I don’t know if you guys know but I often feel pulled in different directions across Jamaica in search of waterfalls.
My heart yearns for different paths to hidden gems like Johnny Fall.
This often leads to lots of indecisiveness as I hang out in limbo stuck and afraid of not visiting all the waterfalls to be found at home here in Jamaica.
I am a lifelong die-hard solo traveler for years. It has brought me so much joy. I don’t have any regrets.
Coming back to reality a few days later, I felt recharged and happy knowing I will be on another adventure in three days.
Guy, I can’t begin to tell you how special it was to spend the afternoon exploring the secrets of Johnny Fall.
When I think back on my life exploring Jamaica, my face immediately illuminates with the biggest smile. Jamaica is truly a special part of this planet.
Dear Johnny, I miss you already. Wait for me. I’ll be back soon, Love, Nature’s Sweet Escapes.
Have you visited Johnny Waterfall in Highgate Palmetto Grove St.Mary, If yes, What was your experience like?, If no, would you venture on trip to this hidden gem? Let me know in the comment below!
Continue scrolling for more beautiful pictures of Johnny Waterfall.
Whatta Gwaan!
You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.