Visit Nature's Sweet Escapes YouTube channel for an in-depth look at this amazing adventure! Also, follow me on Instagram at Nature's Sweet Escapes and on TikTok at .naturessweetescapes for more updates and behind-the-scenes moments from my journeys. Also, visit Jess's YouTube channel where you'll find a video of this adventure that's sure to bring a smile to your face.
As the morning sun dawned on our last day in Hanover, Jessica and I relished a peaceful breakfast accompanied by herbal tea, reflecting on the incredible experiences we had gathered during our stay.
Packed and ready for the day, our conversations were a blend of nostalgia and anticipation for the adventures that awaited us.
Setting Future Plans:
During our packing session, I excitedly shared with Jessica my plans for the next solo trip to the western part of the island. The goal was clear – secure a tent space for a more immersive experience in the parish I intended to explore. A promise to myself to delve deeper into the beauty of the surroundings.
Farewell to an Amazing Host:
Bid farewell to our gracious host, Anthony, who had made our stay memorable. For those seeking a similar adventure, a touch of encouragement for others to experience what had been an incredible journey for us, you can book your stay here.
En route to Hidden Waterfalls:
Our journey to Bayson was punctuated by a call to Lando, our reliable tour guide. His assistance was invaluable in locating Bamboo Waterfall and arranging bikes for our next destination, Cascade Waterfall.
Discovering Hidden Gems:
At Bayson waterfall, our bikes awaited, signaling the beginning of another day of exploration. The simple joy of navigating pothole-ridden roads on bikes added to the charm of the adventure.
The destination, however, surprised us. Kopper Hole, a waterfall not on our list, beckoned. Unfortunately, recent heavy rain had turned the water brown and forceful, preventing us from immersing ourselves in its beauty.
Navigating the Unplanned:
Undeterred, we reached out to BucketListJA for guidance. Armed with directions, we attempted to connect with a tour guide who could lead us to the elusive waterfalls hidden in the bush. Plans for a return trip were made, with Lando tasked to secure a guide for our next visit.
Dinner with a View:
Back at Bayson, we regrouped with BucketListJA, enjoying a delightful dinner of fried snapper fish and fries. The beautiful ocean view provided the perfect backdrop for relaxation and laughter, creating lasting memories before our journey back to Kingston.
Musical Journey Home:
As we headed back, Jessica and I immersed ourselves in a musical journey, singing our hearts out to various genres, with Dancehall stealing the spotlight.
Though goodbyes were said, the anticipation of future adventures lingered as we planned our next stops – Grampa, Norris Spring, and Copper Hole in St. Thomas.
Hanover's hidden gems, unexpected turns, and the promise of future explorations made our journey unforgettable. The adventures continue, weaving a tapestry of experiences that form the backdrop of our travel stories.
Have you ever visited Kopper Waterfall? Are you familiar with the historical background associated with it? Feel free to share your experiences or knowledge in the comment section below!
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Whatta Gwaan!
You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.