The first step in the journey is to lose your way. -Galway Kinnell
I started writing this blog as soon as I had 80% of the information needed to find another hidden waterfall in Clarendon. I haven't explored Clarendon a lot. Therefore, I seize every opportunity to do so.
Guinea Tree, Main Street
I got a message from that said person asking for some assistance on a location and I gladly helped. In return, I asked about the location of the waterfall in Clarendon. Sadly, the person was unaware of the location. The individual tried to help. I appreciated the fact the wrong information wasn’t given.
I was charged JMD 50.00 extra to turn on Collington Road.
I had no problem since I've always gone blind searching for waterfalls in every parish except Hanover and St. James.
I asked my co-worker Ms.Bogle for assistance. She helped me in finding Sanguinetti Waterfall in Clarendon and Joe Hut Waterfall in Trelawny.
I got the directions needed from Ms Bogle but I still had a few questions when I got to May Pen. This was because I saw two waterfalls on Instagram with their locations being Crooked River and Trout Hall.
I decided to visit both in a couple of hours but I didn't trust the locations I saw on Instagram.
I took an Old Harbour Coaster Bus to Spanish Town. These buses can be found at the Darling Street Bus Park. But that time of the morning which was minutes to seven o'clock, they are not in the bus park. These buses pick up passengers on their way to Old Harbour. The bus fare was JMD 100.00 per person.
When I got to Spanish Bus Park on Windsor Road, I took a Coaster Bus to May Pen Clarendon costing JMD 300.00.
When I got to May Pen Bus Park, I asked the driver where the Fankfield Minivan located. He said, "Guinep Tree". He told me to walk on Main Street until I got to the Texaco Gas Station on my right.
I did what I was told but I still asked where to find ‘Guinep Tree’ while walking on Main Street. All the persons I’ve asked said exactly what the driver told me.
I walked for about ten minutes before I got to the Texaco Gas Station. I then heard a loud noise, "Frankfield, one an move".
He only wanted one passenger. So I didn't have to wait my usual fifteen minutes to half an hour.
I got to sit beside the driver. I told him I wanted a stop in Crooked River. I then asked him about the waterfalls in Crooked River and Trout Hall. He said he was unaware of a waterfall in Trout Hall. Both waterfalls were located in Crooked River.
The driver, an elderly lady and I had a conversation about seeing his correct size in garments being sold.
Yep, he didn't stop there. He started telling me about the type of girls he prefers which were dark complexion, natural hair, no tattoos, no false nails etc. I had a strong feeling he was referring to me but I didn't pay him any attention. He didn't stop talking until I got to Crooked River Square. The fare was JMD200.00
I took a taxi to the hidden waterfall at a cost of JMD150.00.I showed the driver a picture of the waterfall which he said was located in Brae Head. I passed Baptist and McDonald communities before I got to Brea Head. He then turned on Collington Road and pointed to the waterfall which was hiding in the bushes on the right of the road. Not much hiking required.
I was prepared to hike. I had my goodie bag that contained mosquito repellent, extra shoe, alcohol, portable charger, hand sanitizer, pain killers (tables), water and nature valley for snack. No entrance fee required.
It was so beautiful. It surpassed all my expectations. The community was deserted. I saw two young boys sitting under a tree which was where my taxi stopped. I asked the older one to be my photographer and he said yes.
I was so excited. I was like a child receiving presents. All the beautiful feelings waterfall gives me, how can I let them go? Well, I don't think I ever can.
I felt the river moving as a step closer and closer to this magical nameless waterfall. I felt wild and free. I found paradise once again.
I was tripping on skies and sipping on the waterfall. According to Ellen DeGeneres, romance often begins with by splashing waterfall and ends over a leaking sink.
I was falling hard for Brae Head Waterfall which was the name I had given it. I love the sound that came from the waterfall. The music it played gave me goose-bumps along with its cold temperature.
We took a few photos with my old pose. As soon as I was ready to take my photos with my new pose as requested by D'Ann and friends. The young boys left to attend to their goats. I shouted, " yuh coming back?" He replied, " yeah man, wi soon come"
I waited for about ten minutes and there were no signs of them. I went back to the tree where I found them and saw a goat at the waterfall. I guess I wasn't the only one obsessed with Brae Head Waterfall.
Minutes passed and still no signs of the boys. I started to wonder if they were ghosts. But they weren't. I saw a young man speaking to the younger brother while walking to get a taxi to Crooked River Square.
Trying to create a new pose. What y’all think?
I stopped and asked where's your brother? I replied, "him ah wash plate." The young man whose name was Davian heard my conversation and offer to assist. I told him I preferred the kids but I had no choice but to accept his offer because the older brother was busy doing chores.
D’Ann, Yuh si how yuh mek mi ah ben uo mi self inna Z
I had three photographers that day. The younger brother returns to the waterfall with us. He was willing to take a picture for me. His face lit up when I asked him.
Davian was pretty awesome. I was lucky to have met him and the kids because I didn't saw anyone else around.
I took a few more shots and enjoyed the water. I asked Davian about the second waterfall I wanted to visit. He said it's also located in Crooked River. The sun was extremely hot and I was tired. So stay tuned for another beautiful waterfall coming right up.
Have you been to Brae Head Waterfall? Would you take Public Transportation on an adventure? I would love to hear in the comments below!
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Whatta Gwaan!
You've discovered my blog. I'm delighted you're here. Maybe it's destiny. I'm Doreen Lillian Scarlett welcome to Nature's Sweet Escapes where I go on the far side of Instagram to document and share my adventures.